- uppers
- ups
- wake ups
- bennies
- dexies
- black beauties
- jollies
- speed
An amphetamine is a drug that is a stimulant to the central nervous system.
Amphetamines are colorless and may be inhaled, injected, or swallowed.
These drugs may be used medically to treat depression, obesity, and other conditions.
Amphetamines are also used non-medically to:
- avoid sleep
- improve athletic performance
- counter the effects of depressant drugs
Amphetamines may be referred to as speed or uppers.
- increased talkativeness
- increased aggressiveness
- increased breathing rate
- increased heart rate
- increased blood pressure
- reduced appetite
- dilated pupils
- visual hallucinations
- auditory hallucinations
- compulsive
- repetitive
- less organized
- suspicious
- self-conscious
- fever and sweating
- dry mouth
- headache
- paleness
- blurred vision
- dizziness
- irregular heartbeat
- tremors
- loss of coordination
- collapse
Death may also occur due to burst blood vessels in the brain, heart failure, or very high fever.
- mental illness similar to paranoid schizophrenia
- malnutrition due to suppression of appetite
- increased susceptibility to illness due to poor diet, lack of sleep and unhealthy environment
- violence and aggression
- multiple drug users may use other drugs to counter unwanted side effects of amphetamines
- infections resulting from IV injections
- blockage of blood vessels
- tolerance and dependence
Amphetamines are addictive. Because of this, when the user discontinues use or reduces the amount he/she uses, withdrawal symptoms may occur.
- severe exhaustion
- deep sleep lasting from 24 to 48 hours
- psychotic reaction
- extreme hunger
- deep depression
- anxiety reactions
- long but disturbed sleep
Although someone using amphetamines may experience withdrawal symptoms for a short period of time, the benefits to a person who stops using the drug greatly outweigh an addiction to amphetarnines.
These benefits include improved health and greater enjoyment of everyday activities.
It is possible for babies of mothers who use amphetamines to be born with:
- cardiac defects
- cleft palate
- birth defects
- addiction and withdrawal
Because amphetamines suppress appetite and give the user feelings of energy, they are sometimes abused by people who are trying to lose weight.
But, because appetite is suppressed and decreased, malnutrition occurs. The user will not be getting enough vitamins or minerals and will become ill more often. He/she may also lose a dangerous amount of weight.
When a person stops using amphetamines, he/she experiences strong hunger. Eventually the appetite returns to its normal level or increases.
Abuse of amphetamines is not a safe nor effective way to lose weight.